Commander Zhalk

Fiend Level 8

commander shalk npcs baldurs gate 3 wiki guide 300px
Location Nautiloid
Act Act 1
Quests Escape the Nautiloid

Commander Zhalk is an optional Boss in Baldur's Gate 3. Commander Zhalk can be found near the end of the Prologue, fighting against a Mind FlayerBosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players.


Where to find Commander Zhalk in Baldur's Gate 3

Commander Zhalk can be found at:

Act I


BG3 Commander Zhalk Quests


Commander Zhalk Dialogue Options in Baldur's Gate 3

Players can't talk to Commander Zhalk, he is fighting a Mind Flayer when first found and won't bother with the player until it manages to kill it. Although players can avoid Commander Zhalk and not fight it, if you have a Fighter or plan to have Lae'zel in your party, he drops a powerful Greatsword called Everburn Blade that makes the confrontation worthwhile.

Note that if the Mind Flayer facing him is killed, Commander Zhalk will focus his attention on your party.


BG3 Commander Zhalk Boss Fight Guide

Commander Zhalk Boss Tips

Commander Zhalk isn't paying attention to the player once you stumble upon him, he is fighting a Mind Flayer exclusively.

 Commander Zhalk general information

race icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideRace: Fiend
hp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideHealth: 150
armorp icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAC: 18
movement speed icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideBase speed: 9m
size icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideSize: Medium
weight icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideWeight: 50kg
attitude icon baldurs gate 3 wiki guideAttitude

Passive Features

Commander Zhalk Abilities

strength ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxStrength: 18
dexterity ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxDexterity: 18
constitution ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxConstitution: 16
intelligence ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxIntelligence: 14
wisdom ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxWisdom: 15
charisma ability baldursgate3 wiki guide 75pxCharisma: 16

  • Proficiency Bonus: +2
  • Initiative: +4

Command Zhalk Attack & Spells

Commander Zhalk Resistances

damage slashing icon bg3 wiki guideSlashing: Resistant
damage piercing icon bg3 wiki guidePiercing: Resistant
damage blunt icoin bg3 wiki guideBludgeoning: Resistant
damage fire icon bg3 wiki guideFire: Resistant to all Fire attacks.
damage lightning icon bg3 wiki guideLightning: Resistant to all Lightning attacks.
damage cold icon bg3 wiki guideCold: Resistant to all Cold attacks.
damage poison icon bg3 wiki guidePoison: Resistant to all Poison attacks.

Commander Zhalk Rewards

Commander Zhalk Notes & Tips

  • Zhalk and the mind flayer on the bridge will be preoccupied fighting each other.  The survivor will turn on you when one of them is dead.  Use the first few turns to clear the bridge of minor demons and pile nautiloid tanks next to him.  Move to a safe distance and detonate the tanks with a fire spell when the mind flayer is close to death.
  • Shadowheart can cast Command: Drop to force Commander Zhalk to drop his flaming greatsword on the floor.  This will completely neuter him in combat; have Lae'zal or a martially inclined PC pick it up and use it against him.
  • Keeping the mind flayer alive is your best chance to defeat Commander Zhalk. You can buff the mind flayer with spells and throw potions to heal him.
  • Note that a second set of minor demons will spawn after you move past Zhalk. 
  • When only 11 turns remain on the timer, 2 powerful Cambions will spawn and rush you down. They have over 100 hp and hit almost as hard as Zhalk himself at range and in melee.  If you're playing on balanced or tactician difficulty, you're best off activating the bridge before they close the distance and cut your party to pieces.


All Bosses in Baldur's Gate 3
Ansur (Boss)  ♦  Apostle of Myrkul  ♦  Auntie Ethel  ♦  Balthazar  ♦  Bulette  ♦  Ch'r'ai Tska'an  ♦  Ch'r'ai W'wargaz (Boss)  ♦  Disciple Z'rell  ♦  Dominated Red Dragon  ♦  Dror Ragzlin  ♦  Emperor  ♦  Filro the Forgotten  ♦  Flaming Fist Marcus  ♦  Gerringothe Thorm  ♦  Halsin (Boss)  ♦  He Who Was  ♦  Kagha  ♦  Ketheric Thorm (Boss)  ♦  Lord Enver Gortash (Boss)  ♦  Lorroakan (Boss)  ♦  Malus Thorm  ♦  Minthara  ♦  Minthara (Boss)  ♦  Netherbrain (Boss)  ♦  Orin the Red (Boss)  ♦  Phase Spider Matriarch  ♦  Ptaris  ♦  Sarevok  ♦  Spectator  ♦  Steel Watch Titan  ♦  The Warden  ♦  Thisobald Thorm  ♦  True Soul Gut  ♦  Warrior Puce


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    • Rip to the Mindflayer commander on my honor run, dude took care of the commander then the 2 following Cambions before I walked away with the everburning blade
      thanks for the hard work my fellow squid

      • Anonymous

        Full cheese mode:
        - Get all three large chests.
        - Block the first sphincter with two large chests and the last sphincter before the battle.
        - Command drop weapon on this guy.
        - the devils won’t enter the battle.

        • Anonymous

          There is no need to fight this dude at all, just to to prepare spells before combat and give Shadowheart "Command" spell.. than in combat when you're close to him moving towards the helm just have her command him to drop the sword and pick it up with someone else and run to the helm.. done and done lol

          • Anonymous

            Shadowheart can potentially deal massive damage to this guy with an Inflict Wounds crit, if you really want to kill him and don't mind save-scumming.

            • Anonymous

              Playing on tactician. He has 195hp very very difficult to kill b4 his friends show up. You can however use command to make him drop the sword so thats all i wanted anyhow.

              • Anonymous

                Blocking the door with a chest is pretty crucial. Be sure to dip everyone's weapon in the fire near the entrance. Shoving the mindflayer away is easier that pushing this guy. Lae'zels mage hand is super helpful here. Shadowheart doesnt start with command like all prior notes say so be sure to give the mindflayer her armour boon instead (and remember to drop con if he survives and turns on you). The mindflayers going to be doing most of the damage.

                • Anonymous

                  Killing this guy is definitely worth it.
                  It might seem like just cut and run after getting the sword but the XP nudge gets you to level 2 as soon as you land.

                  • Anonymous

                    You can delay the first 2 Cambions, by Blocking the entrance behind you. Pick up all 3 chests from the previous areas and stack them on top of each other, in the first doorway - Before entering the bridge.

                    Instead of using Rush, they will instead try to break the chests. This could buy you enough extra time in Balanced or Tactician to kill him.

                    • Anonymous

                      As some people have noted, use the cleric you rescue from the pod (Shadowheart)'s Command spell. You may need to equip it.

                      When you enter the room with Zhalk, save, then use Command to make him drop the sword. Try again if it fails. You can escape afterward.

                      The sword is an excellent starting option if you have a fighter, paladin or barbarian in the party.

                      • Anonymous

                        I think he is much tougher in full release. On Tactician difficulty he has 195 HP and he has no trouble killing the MF.

                        • Anonymous

                          Use Shadowheart and cast command on him, so he will drop his weapon, then grab it and leave/ kill him.

                          In general, always try to buff and heal the mindflayer, instead of attacking yourself. For example with the bards cutting words, or shield of faith, or...

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