![]() CloudkillLevel 5 Conjuration Spell 5~40 Damage
Craft a large cloud that inflicts 5∼40 Poison damage per turn. You can reposition the cloud every turn. The cloud Heavily Obscures everything within it.
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Cloudkill is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Cloudkill is a Lvl 5 Spell from the Conjuration school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.
Cloudkill Information
- Description: Craft a large cloud that inflicts 5∼40 Poison damage per turn. You can reposition the cloud every turn.
- Level: Lvl 5 spell
- School: Conjuration School
- Casting Time:
- Range:
- Requires Concentration: Yes
- Saving Throw:
CON Save
How to Acquire Cloudkill
- Cloudkill can be acquired by the following classes:
- Sorcerer, Wizard, Circle of the Spores, Circle of the Land: Swamp, Underdark, Death Domain
- Cloudkill can be cast by using the following Items:
- ???
- ???
- Cloudkill can be removed by:
Cloudkill Tips & Notes
- ???
- Anonymous
Poisoner Robe bonus 1d4 does not add to the damage of this spell...
- Anonymous
If you play a necromancer you can send your undead into this as they're all immune to poison
- Anonymous
Unobviously but Heroes Feast (cleric spell) give immune to your own cloudkill.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
One of the best wizard spell ever. Good damage. Large radius. Free cast every turn. Enemy take damage TWICE.
It's not 10 free fireballs, it's 20 free fireball, Carl!
- Anonymous
Thank god it doesn't behave like it does in BG1 - BG1's version has much bigger radius, can be cast at much longer range, and instakills everything inside it if they're under level 7 (level cap is 8). You get a save if you're level 5 or 6, but that still means you have to make a poison save with -4 penalty every round for 10 rounds, and if you fail one of them you're instantly killed. There's an enemy with it a few floors into one of the first dungeons you hear about.
10 free fireballs in a large radius? While enemy obscured? And someone calls it bad? Okay.
- Anonymous
This deals damage on initial cast *and* when repositioned. How stupid. In 5e it doesn't deal damage on initial cast, and can't be repositioned. Instead it has a predictable path it will follow at a certain speed. So bg3 version deals double damage.
While potentially very powerful, con saves aren't exactly hard to make for most enemies. At save for 0 damage it probably won't actually do much. Probably just stick with cloud of daggers upcast. Can't move it, but 10d4 x 2 damage guaranteed is better than what is most likely to be 0d0.
- Anonymous
Land Druids picking Underdark or Swamp can also learn it. Lacking as always
- Anonymous
In Divinity Original Sin, Poison Clouds + Fire = Explosions. I don't know if that applies to Cloudkill or not, but I have seen it work on poison traps.
I hear you can also blow them away with wind effects.
- Anonymous
Tested with plant growth as a timer. Cloudkill also persists for 10 turns.
- Anonymous
The 1 turn is the poison effect--meaning that the 5d8 poison dmg only lasts a turn, pretty sure. This page is confusing, but it's described like slightly clearer mud elsewhere. And then the cloud blasts everything around it with another 5d8 the next turn. As for the persistence of the cloud itself, 5e raw have it persists at 10 MINUTES!!! with the ability to move it every turn. I keep rerolling so know idea when I'll get a wiz up that high to test it myself. Anyone?
- Anonymous
Yeah 1 turn is absolutely wrong, at least when Balthazar uses it!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The recast cloudkill says it blinds enemies. Does it?