Bladesinging |
Initial Bladesinging Features |
Inherited Wizard Features |
Bladesinging is a Subclass of Wizard in Baldur's Gate 3. Bladesinging is a new subclass that combines swordplay and wizardry tactics. The subclass features new spellcasting animations from casting spells with your weapon, and a new ability that can apply buffs such as improved speed, focus, and a bonus to any Constitution saving throws. The Primary Ability of the Wizard class is Intelligence, their saving throw proficiencies are Intelligence & Wisdom and they have a Hit Dice of 1d6. They have proficiency with Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaves, and Light Crossbows.
Official Description
BG3 Wizard Class Features Progression
All Wizards gain access to the following progression regardless of their subclass:
- Level 1 - Arcane Recovery (Action)
- Level 2 - Subclass (Abjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, Conjuration, Enchantment, Divination, Illusion, Transmutation)
- Level 4 - Choose a Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 8 - Choose a Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
- Level 12 - Choose a Feat - Choose one from the Feats list
BG3 Bladesinging Features Progression
- Sub Class Features to be added.
BG3 Wizard Spell Slots
Wizards Level | Cantrips Known | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th |
Level 1 Wizards | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - |
Level 2 Wizards | 3 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - |
Level 3 Wizards | 3 | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | - |
Level 4 Wizards | 4 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - | - |
Level 5 Wizards | 4 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - |
Level 6 Wizards | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - | - | - |
Level 7 Wizards | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - | - |
Level 8 Wizards | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | - | - |
Level 9 Wizards | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - |
Level 10 Wizards | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | - |
Level 11 Wizards | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Level 12 Wizards | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Bladesinging Tips & Builds
- The Bladesinging subclass will be added in Patch 8.
- Notes, Builds, and other tips go here
All Wizard Spells in Baldur's Gate 3xxx
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Quick Search of All Wizard Spells
Name | Level | School | Casting time | Description |
Cantrip | Conjuration |
1d6 Acid Throw a bubble of acid that damage each creature it hits. |
Cantrip | Abjuration | Action |
Take only half of the damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing attacks. 2 Turns |
Cantrip | Necromancy | Action |
1d8 Necrotic Prevent the target from healing until your next turn. An undead target receives Disadvantage on Attack Rolls. |
Cantrip | Evocation | Bonus Action |
Illuminate a 9m radius. |
Cantrip | Evocation | Action | 1d10 Fire Hurl a mote of fire. |
Cantrip | Enchantment | Action | Gain Advantage on Charisma Checks against a non-hostile creature. Once the spell ends, the creature knows it was Charmed and might accuse the spellcaster. 10 Turns In higher difficulty modes, the target might accuse you of enchanting them. 9m Concentration |
Cantrip | Evocation | Action |
Infuse an object with an aura of light. Until Long Rest Melee DEX Save |
Cantrip | Conjuration | Action |
Create a spectral hand that can manipulate and interact with objects. 10 Turns 18m |
Cantrip | Illusion | Action |
Create an illusory image that distracts nearby creatures, compelling them to investigate. You can remain hidden while casting this spell. 18m |
Cantrip | Conjuration | Action |
1d12 Poison Project a puff of noxious gas. |
Cantrip | Evocation | Action |
1d8 Cold Reduce the target's Movement Speed by 3m. |
Cantrip | Evocation | Action |
1d8 Lightning The target cannot use reactions. This spell has Advantage on creatures wearing metal armour. |
Cantrip | Divination | Action |
Gain Advantage on your next Attack Roll. 2 turns 18m Concentration |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action |
3d6Fire Each flammable targets is thi with 3∼18 Fire damage. On Save: Targets still take half damage. 5m DEX Save |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action |
Charm a humanoid to prevent in from attacking you. You gain Advantage on Charisma Checks in dialogue and prevent it from attacking. Enemies have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed. When the spell ends, the target might accuse you of Charming them. 10 Turns Condition ends early if you or an ally hurts the targets. In higher difficulty modes, the target might accuse you of enchanting them. 18m/60ft WIS Save |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
Hurl a sphere of energy. It deals 3d8 Thunder damage, or deals 2d8 Acid, Cold; Fire, Lightning, or Poison damage and creates a surface. 18m |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
2d8 Acid Hurl a sphere of energy that deals 2d8 Acid Damage and creates an acid surface. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
2d8 Cold Hurl a sphere of energy that deals 2d8 Cold Damage and creates a frozen surface. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
2d8 Fire Hurl a sphere of energy that deals 2d8 Fire Damage and creates a fire surface. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
2d8 Lightning Hurl a sphere of energy that deals 2d8 Lightning Damage and creates an electrified surface. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
2d8 Poison Hurl a sphere of energy that deals 2d8 Poison Damage and creates an poison surface. |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action Spell Slot |
3d8 Thunder Hurl a sphere that deals 3-24 Thumder damage and possibly creates a surface on impact. Alternative, choose a different type of damage. 18m |
Lv 1 | Illusion | Action |
Blind creatures up to a combined 33 hit points. 1 Turn 5m/17ft |
Lv 1 | Illusion | Action |
Magically change all aspects of your appearance. (Lasts until the end of a long rest) |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | Bonus Action |
Gain Dash immediately and as a bonus action on each of your turns until this spell ends. Until Long Rest 1 Turn Concentration |
Lv 1 | Necromancy | Action |
Gain 7 temporary hit points. Until Long Rest Can only have temporary hit points from one source. |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | Bonus Action |
You and nerby allies Immunity to Falling damage. 10 Turns 9m |
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Gain the service of a familiar, a fey spirit that takes an animal from you choose. (Using this spell allows the caster to choose from Find Familiar: Cat, Find Familiar: Crab, Find Familiar: Frog, Find Familiar: Rat, Find Familiar: Raven, and Find Familiar: Spider) (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Summon a familiar with the form and statistics of a cat that can distract your enemies. (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Summon a familiar with the form and statistics of a crab. Its sharp pincers can slow enemies. (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Summon a familiar with the form and statistics of a frog. Its skin is covered with dizzying toxins. (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Summon a familiar with the form and statistics of a rat. Its infectious bite can spread disease. (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Summon a familiar with the form and statistics of a raven. It can launch precise attacks. (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Summon a familiar with the form and statistics of a spider. Its deadly bite can poison enemies. (Lasts until the end of a long rest)
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
The cloud Blinds and Heavily Obscures creatures within it. 10 Turns 5m18m Concentration |
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action |
Cover the ground in grease, slowing creatures within and possibly making them fall Prone. 10 Turns 18m4m DEX Save |
Lv 1 | Conjuration | Action Level 1 Spell Slot |
2d4 Piercing +2d6 Cold (Conditional) Throw a shard of ice that deals 1~10 Piercing damage. It explodes and deals 2~12 Cold damage to anyone nearby. It leaves an ice surface. 2 turns 2m 18m DEX Save |
Lv 1 | Transmutation | Action |
Inflicts Jump (10) Touch a creature to triple its jumping distance.
Lv 1 | Transmutation | Action |
Touch a creature to increase its Movement Speed by 3m. Until Long Rest Melee |
Lv 1 | Abjuration | Action |
Protec a target from attacks: increase its Armour Class to 13 + its Dexterity modifier. Until Long Rest The target can't be wearing armour Mele |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action |
3d4+3 Force Shoot 3 magical dsarts, each dealing 2∼5 Force damage. They always hit their target. Range: 18m |
Lv 1 | Abjuration | Action |
Protect a creature against aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. The target can't be Charmed, Frightened, or possessed by them, and when these creatures attack it, they do so with disadvantage. Until Long Rest Melee Concentration |
Lv 1 | Necromancy | Action |
2d8Poison |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action |
Put creatures into a magical slumber. Select targets up to a combined 24 hit points. 2 Turns The condition ends upon taking damage. 18m |
Lv 1 | Enchantment | Action Level 1 Spell Slot |
Inflicts Hideous Laughter (10 turns) Leave a creature Prone with laughter, without the ability to get up. WIS Save Concentration Range: 18m |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action |
2d8 Thunder Release a wave of thunderous force that pushes away all creatures and objects. 5mCON Save |
Lv 1 | Evocation | Action |
1d12 Lightning Link yourself to a target with a bolt of lightning. Deal an additional 1∼12 Lightning Damage each turn by activating it. 10 Turns 18mConcentration |
Lv 2 | Abjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Close a door or container with a magical lock.It can no longer be lockpicked or opened with Knock. 10 Turns Melee |
Lv 2 | Necromancy | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Limit a foes sight range. It is easier to hit, and the creature will miss more often. Range: 18mCON Save |
Lv 2 | Illusion | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Attackers have Disadvantage on Attack rolls against you. Doesn't affect creatures that don't rely on sight or that can see through illusions. 10 turns Concentration |
Lv 2 | Conjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
4d4 Slashing |
Lv 2 | Enchantment | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Instil madness in a humanoid enemy, making them attack the creature closest to them (other than you), even if it's allied. |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Create a cloud of magical darkness that Heavily Obscures and Blinds creatures within. 10 Turns |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Grant a creature the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 12m. Until Long Rest Melee |
Lv 2 | Divination | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Focus your mind to read the thoughts of certain creatures while talking to them. Until Long Rest Concentration |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Make a creature larger or smaller to affect their weapon damage and Strength Checks and Saving Throws. 9mCON Saven Concentration |
Lv 2 | Conjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
2d6 Fire |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Summon a strong wind that clears all clouds and pushes creautes back 5m, forcing them Off Balance. 1 Turn 12mSTR Save |
Lv 2 | Enchantment | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Hold a humanoid enemy still. They can't move, act or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits. 10 turns 18mWIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 2 | Illusion | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Touch a creature to turn it Invisible. Attacks against it have Disadvantage. It attacks with Advantage. 10 turns Condition ends early if the creature attacks or casts a spell. MeleeConcentration |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane lock. 18m |
Lv 2 | Transmutation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Infuse a weapon with arcane energy. The weapon becomes magical, receiving a +1 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls. Until Long Rest MeleeConcentration |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
4d4 Acid + 2d4 Acid (Delayed) Shoot a green arrow that covers the target and the ground with acid. Deals 4d4 Acid damage immediately and 2d4 Acid damage at the end of the target's turn. 1 turn On Missing: Targets still takes half the initial damage. 18m |
Lv 2 | Illusion | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Create 3 illusory duplicates of yourself that distract attackers. Each duplicate increases your Armour Class by 3. Whenever you successfully evade an attack, one of the duplicates disappears. 10 turns |
Lv 2 | Conjuration | Bonus Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Surrounded by silver mist, you teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. Range: 18m |
Lv 2 | Illusion | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
1d6Phychic 10 Turns |
Lv 2 | Necromancy | Action |
Weaken a Foe: they deal half damage with weapon attacks using Strength. 10 Turns 18m Concentration |
Lv 2 | Divination | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Become able to see Invisible creatures, and possibly reveal them to others. Until Long Rest 9mDex Save |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
6d6 Fire Hur1 3 rays offire. Each ray deals 2∼12 Fire damage. 18m |
Lv 2 | Evocation | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
3d8 Thunder Damage all nearby creatures and objects. Creatures made of inorganic material such as stone have Disadvantage on their Saving Throw. On Save: Targets still take half damage. Range: 18mCON Save |
Lv 2 | Conjuration | Action Level 2 Spell Slot |
Cover an area in thick, flammable webbing that slows creatures within and possibly Enwebs them. Range: 18m Radius: 4m DEX Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Create an undead servant from a corpse. The target must be a Medium or Small corpse. 3m |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Curse a creature with your touch. The curse either bestows Disadvantage on checks and Saving Throws or attacks, lets you deal additional damage to the target, or robs it of its actions. 10 turns Melee WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Reaction Spell Slot |
Nullify another creature's spell as a reaction. The spell must be 3rd level or lower. If it is higher, you must succed a Check to nullify it, the difficulty of which is based on the spell's Level. 18m |
Lv 3 | Illusion | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Project a phantasmal image so frightening it makes targets drop whatever they are holding and become Fearful. If the target ends their turn where they can't see you, they can make another Saving Throw to shake off their fear. 3 Turns 1 Turn 9m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Put an ally in a protective, magical coma deep enough to imitate death. The Ally becomes Resistant to all damage except psychic damage, and disease and poison no longer have any effect. 10 Turns Melee |
Lv 3 | Evocation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
8d6 Fire Shoot a bright flame from your fingers that explodes upon contact, torching everything in the vicinity. On Save: Targets still take half damage. 18m 6m DEX Save |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Bestow the ability to Fly upon yourself or an ally. 10 Turns Melee Concentration |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Transform yourself or an ally into a cloud of mist to avoid attacks. The target becomes Resistant to all damage, gains Advantage on Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength Saving Throws, and becomes tiny in size. Until Long Rest MeleeConcentration |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Inscribe a circle of arcane glyphs on the ground that trigger a magical effect when stepped on by an enemy. 3m 8m Dex Save |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Target yourself or an ally to become Hastened. 10 Turns 9mConcentration |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Create a twisting pattern of colours that Hypnotises all creatures within area that can see the pattern. 2 Turns 18m 9m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Touch a creature to grant it Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage. Melee Concentration |
Lv 3 | Abjuration | Action Warlock Spell Slot |
Touch a creature or object to remove all Curses affecting it. Melee |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Call forth a storm of sleet that douses fires, creates an ice surface, and disrupts the concentration of spellcasters. 18m 9m Concentration |
Lv 3 | Conjuration | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Create a cloud of gas so nauseating it prevents creatures from taking actions. 3m 8m Dex Save Concentration |
Lv 3 | Necromancy | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
3d6 Necrotic Touch an enemy to syphon their life force. You regain half as many hit points as hit points as the damage they take. For 10 turns, you can use Vampiric Touch again without expending an additional spell slot. 10 Turns |
Lv 3 | Evocation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
8d6Lightning Call forth a blast of lightning that hits all creatures in the line of the eruption. On save: Targets still take half damage |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
At the end of your turn, roll a D20. On 11 or higher, you vanish into the Ethereal Plane. While there, you can't be harmed or seen in this world |
Lv 3 | Transmutation | Action Level 3 Spell Slot |
Alter time to Slow up to 6 enemies. They won't get far, they can't do much, and they're easier to hit. |
Lv 4 | Enchantment | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Befuddle a group creatures, causing them to attack at random, wander around aimlessly, and occasionally skip turns in the stupor. 3 Turns 18m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 4 | Conjuration | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Conjure a minor elemental to fight alongside you. 18m |
Lv 4 | Conjuration | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Teleport yourself and up to 1 adjacent ally to a place you can see. The ally cannot be larger than medium. Melee |
Lv 4 | Illusion | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Turn a creature Invisible. Attack against it have Disadvantage. It attacks with Advantage. 10 Turns MeleeConcentration |
Lv 4 | Evocation | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
2d8 Bludgeoning +4 d6 Cold Impel a storm of hail ice to crash from the sky, covering the ground and striking all objectas and creatures within range. 2Turns On Save: Targets still take half damage. 6m18mDEX Save |
Lv 4 | Transmutation | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Transform a creature into a harmless sheep. 5 Turns 18mDEX SaveConcentration |
Lv 4 | Abjuration | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
Turn a creature's flesh hard as stone. It takes only half the damage of all non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage. Until Long Rest MeleeConcentration |
Lv 4 | Evocation | Action Level 4 Spell Slot |
5d8Fire Create a blazing wall of fire, burning anyone who dares stand too close. 18mDEX SaveConcentration |
Lv 5 | Conjuration | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
5d8 Poison Craft a large cloud that inflicts 5∼40 Poison damage per turn. You can reposition the cloud every turn. 1 Turn 18m WIS Save Concentration |
Lv 5 | Evocation | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
8d8 Cold Make a flurry of frost, crisp air, and condensed snow crystals erupt from your hands. On save: Targets still take half damage. 9m STR Save |
Lv 5 | Conjuration | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Bend the barrier between the Planes until they disgorge an elemental ally to follow and fight for you. 18m |
Lv 5 | Enchantment | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Make a humanoid fight alongside you. Every time the creature takes damage, it makes a Wisdom Saving Throw against your domination. Allies cannot be dominated. 10 Turns 18mWIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 5 | Enchantment | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Paralyse a creature. It can't move, act or react. Attacks from within 3m are always Critical Hits. 10 Turns No affect on undead. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 5 | Abjuration | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Target an otherworldly creature and attach its consciousness to your own. It will follow and fight for you as an ally. 10 Turns Target must be a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend. 18m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 5 | Illusion | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Disguise up to 4 memebers of your adventuring party. 18m |
Lv 5 | Transmutationt | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Throw a creature or object up to 18m with a thought. Once per turn, you can use Telekinesis again without expending a spell slot. 10 Turns STR Save Concentration |
Lv 5 | Evocation | Action Level 5 Spell Slot |
Raise a wall of non-magical, solid stone. 18m Concentration |
Lv 6 | Conjuration | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
Create two liked teleportation portals. 10 Turns. 18mConcentration |
Lv 6 | Evocation | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
1d8 Lightning Strike an enemy with lightning. Three more bolts will leap from the target, electrifying as many as three other enemies within 18m. On Save: Targets still take half damage. 18mDEX Save |
Lv 6 | Necromancy | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
8d6 Necrotic Sculpt a massive sphere of entropic energy around a creature. Devastate the target and all surrounding creatures. On Save: Targets still take half damage. 18mCON Save |
Lv 6 | Necromancy | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
Raise a corpse as a heinous mummy that fights by your side. Until Long Rest The target must be a Medium or small corpse. 18m |
Lv 6 | Transmutation | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
10d6 + 40Force Shoot a thin green ray from your finger. If the 50∼100 Force damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it disintegrates into a crumbly ash. 9mDEX Save |
Lv 6 | Necromancy | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
Your eyes become black corridors walled in teeth, your gaze capable of inflicting dread, sickness, or putting creatures to sleep. |
Lv 6 | Transmutation | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
Atrophy a foe, Restraining them until they temporarity turn to stone. Target will Petrify if it does not succed its Saving Thorw within 3 turns. 3 Turns 18mCON SaveConcentration |
Lv 6 | Abjuration | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
Creates a barrier that makes creatures and objetcs inside it Immune to all damage. 3 Turns 3mConcentration |
Lv 6 | Evocation | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
10d6 Cold Create a ball of churning ice that can be lauched instantly to generete a frosty explosion or store for later use. Melee CON Save |
Lv 6 | Enchanment | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
Cause a creature to start dancing, making it unable to take actions or move. It attackers have Advantage on Attack Rolls. The dancer has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Dexterity Saving Throws. 10 Turns 9m WIS SaveConcentration |
Lv 6 | Evocation | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
6d8 Radiant A beam fo brilliant light sears and Blinds all creatures in its path. Until the spell ends, you can recast Sunbeam without expending a spell slot. 10 Turns On save: Targets still take half damage. 18m CON SaveConcentration |
Lv 6 | Evocation | Action Level 6 Spell Slot |
10d6 Cold +10d6 Cold (Conditional) Raise a wall of solid ice that deals 10∼60 Cold Damage to anyone standing in its way. When the ice is broken, it leaves behind a cloud of frigid air that deals 10∼60 Cold damage per turn to creatures within. 18m DEX SaveConcentration |
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Lvl 1 Wizard Spells
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Lvl 6 Wizard Spells