Basilisk Oil

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 A thick, grey oil swirls within its container, extracted from a basilisks' gullet, this oil has the ability to turn petrified oil back to its original state.

Single Use

Basilisk Oil is a Potion and Item in Baldur's Gate 3. Some Items can be consumed granting various effects like buffing the Character or restoring HP, while others can be used to interact with the environment or provide Lore about Baldur's Gate 3 world.


 A thick, grey oil swirls within its container, Extracted from a basilisks gullet, this oil has the ability to turn petrified oil back to its original state.


Baldurs Gate 3 Information Basilisk Oil

This oil has the ability to turn petrified oil back to its original state. Removes the petrified condition from the target creature.

  • Weight: 0.2 Kg.
  • Value: 10 Gp.
  • Form ID: 212ca846-4766-4370-8847-454e59751598


Where to Find Basilisk Oil in Baldurs Gate 3

  • Necromancer cellar in Blighted Villiage.
  • In the underdark in a treasure chest behind a stone ark with spiderwebs.
  • Basement of the arcane tower - the room underneath the generator.


Basilisk Oil Baldurs Gate 3 Notes & Tips

  • Using it on Dhourn is a great way to get him killed which in turn means his party won't be hostile to the player.
  • Notes and Tips go here.



A Mother's Loathing  ♦  Antidote  ♦  Antitoxin  ♦  Auntie Ethel's Charm  ♦  Basic Poison (2)  ♦  Basic poison (3)  ♦  Broken Promises  ♦  Butterflies in the Stomach  ♦  Duergar Antidote  ♦  Elixir of Dwarven Resilience  ♦  Elixir of Elven Elegance  ♦  Elixir of Fire Resistance  ♦  Elixir of Half-Elven Healing  ♦  Elixir of Half-Orcish Fury  ♦  Elixir of Human Versatility  ♦  Elixir of Lightning Resistance  ♦  Elixir of Peerless Focus  ♦  Elixir of Poison Resistance  ♦  Elixir of Psychic Resistance  ♦  Elixir of Silvanus  ♦  Elixir of the Colossus  ♦  Elixir of Tiefling Vice  ♦  Elixir of Viciousness  ♦  Elixir of Vigilance  ♦  Faltering Will  ♦  Goodberry Potion  ♦  Heart of Stone  ♦  Insanity's Kiss  ♦  Lost Time  ♦  Lover's Avarice  ♦  Missing Pets  ♦  Mysterious Potion  ♦  Potion of Acid Resistance  ♦  Potion of Angelic Reprieve  ♦  Potion of Angelic Slumber  ♦  Potion of Animal Speaking  ♦  Potion of Cold Resistance  ♦  Potion of Everlasting Vigour  ♦  Potion of Feather Fall  ♦  Potion of Fire Breath  ♦  Potion of Fire Resistance  ♦  Potion of Flying  ♦  Potion of Force Resistance  ♦  Potion of Gaseous Form  ♦  Potion of Glorious Vaulting  ♦  Potion of Greater Healing  ♦  Potion of Healing  ♦  Potion of Hill Giant Strength  ♦  Potion of Invisibility  ♦  Potion of Lightning Resistance  ♦  Potion of Mind Reading  ♦  Potion of Poison  ♦  Potion of Poison Resistance  ♦  Potion of Psychic Resistance  ♦  Potion of Sleep  ♦  Potion of Speed  ♦  Potion of Superior Healing  ♦  Potion of Supreme Healing  ♦  Potion of Vitality  ♦  Remedial Potion  ♦  Stillborn  ♦  Tadpole Elixir  ♦  Wilted Dreams  ♦  Wyvern Toxin


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    • Anonymous

      You can use it on Effin after you made the Hag beg for mercy as he wont be cured when the Hag is still alive. He will be fine then, don't use it while the Hag is still around.

      • Anonymous

        Using it on “NPCs” in House of Hope turns them into un-interactable piles of ash, no reason to do this as far as I can find

        • Anonymous

          Can be used to release petried drow in the Underdark. Unfortunately they will eventually attack you after providing some backstory.

          • Anonymous

            You can throw the Basilisk Oil at Efrin in the Entrance Gallery to unpetrify him, but this will end badly for him. It's best to kill the hag first before going to Efrin.

            • Anonymous

              There's also a petrified drow on the underdark. But I used the potion on the buy in the hag's trophy room.

              Is there another one?

              • Anonymous

                This doesn't seem to work on Connor's corpse (Mayrina's dead husband).

                For something with a descritption like that, you'd think it would bring him back when combined with the Bitter Divorce quest item.

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