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Arcane Gate

Level 6 Conjuration Spell

Create two linked teleportation portals.

arcane gate conjuration school baldursgate3 wiki guide 64px10 turns

range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m concentration icon 1 baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxConcentration icon recharge bg3 wiki guideLong Rest

 action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction spell slot icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxLevel 6 Spell Slot  

Arcane Gate is a Spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Arcane Gate is a Lvl 6 Spell from the Conjuration school. Spells can be used for dealing damage to Enemies, inflict Status Ailments, buff Characters or interact with the environment.



Arcane Gate Information

  • Description: Create two linked teleportation portals.
  • Level: Lvl 6 spell
  • School: Conjuration School
  • Casting Time: action icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25pxAction
  • Range: range icon baldursgate3 wiki guide 25px18m
  • Requires Concentration: Yes
  • Saving Throw: N/A


 How to Acquire Arcane Gate

  • Arcane Gate can be acquired by the following classes:
  • Arcane Gate can be cast by using the following Items:
    • ???


Arcane Gate Tips & Notes

  • Notes & Tips go here


Lvl 6 Spells
Blade Barrier  ♦  Chain Lightning  ♦  Circle of Death  ♦  Create Undead  ♦  Disintegrate  ♦  Eyebite  ♦  Flesh To Gold  ♦  Flesh to Stone  ♦  Globe of Invulnerability  ♦  Harm  ♦  Heal  ♦  Heroes' Feast  ♦  Otiluke's Freezing Sphere  ♦  Otto's Irresistible Dance  ♦  Planar Ally  ♦  Sunbeam  ♦  Wall of Ice  ♦  Wall of Thorns  ♦  Wind Walk


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    • Anonymous

      I can see one kind of use for it in the Iron Throne, which is where I suspect most people would like to use it. When you send your people out to rescue the gnomes, there are a couple of gnomes in the direction of Omeluum. There's also a corner that you have to turn. So get to the gnomes, then cast the gate back in the direction of the escape, and then the other door in the direction of Omeluum. Once you've gotten to him you have a quick escape instead of spending 2 valuable turns running/flying back.

      Basically use it at any corner to make a portal connecting 2 points that are not visible to each other. Not really worth wasting a level 6 spell slot on, though. It's way too niche.

      Oh, you could also use it in the final battle to move your entire party across the area to the brain portal. Still very niche. Better to get a spell scroll to do it (if it is ever for sale) so it doesn't have to be a caster with just a single action to spare.

      • Anonymous

        This is such a cool spell but at 6th level and requiring concentration, I will never use it. Should be 4th level like dimension door with the disadvantage that enemies can use it against you if you don't close it and allies can only use it on their own turn.

        • Anonymous

          10 turns limit is serious drawback. Boss battles tend to be a lot more than that on Tactician, and you loose up to a turn for casting it before battles.

          • Anonymous

            Another cool, interesting victim of concentration. What is goofy is that of the available spells, this one actually makes sense as concentration OR as a flat duration. Has interesting applications for traversal (used it to sneak the entire party into a few areas with the Bird self-polymorph spell) but is very hampered otherwise by sharing resource costs with the usual suspects.

            • Anonymous

              A lot of complaints about this seem to be about using your "only one" 6th level slot for this. I find this a bit odd given you have multiple ways to cast 6th level spells multiple times a day. For instance there's an amulet that restores a slot of any level, there's 2 staffs that let you cast any spell without using spell slots, and the Freecast Illithid power that does the same. That's 5 times you can cast a 6th level slot, every day. Having this spell in your back pocket for when it's needed is not a bad thing at all, especially if you're a summoner.

              • Anonymous

                This could be made useful if they removed concentration and last until long rest.
                Use case: Cast portal entrance. This would create the entrance, and then give you a permanent ability for you to cast the portal exit. Once you cast the portal exit, the spell is complete and the gate would last until long rest. Obviously no concentration.
                It honestly feels like the D&D/game developers just default to spells requiring concentration before even thinking. Just saying yes, requires concentration, until they are convinced otherwise.
                But the problem is that for spells that nobody cares about or uses, theres nobody to actually present a compelling argument to the game devs, so it ends up just nobody caring.
                Its just... an 18 meter gate... requiring concentration... 6th level spell...
                Make it make sense

                • Anonymous

                  When you're running into a fight with 10+ summons, not all of which have teleports or flight, this spell will save your ass.

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