Arcane Archer


Initial Arcane Archer Features

  • Sub Class Features to be added.

Inherited Fighter Features

  • Class feats

Arcane Archer is a Subclass of Fighter in Baldur's Gate 3. Arcane Archer is a new subclass who is a master in utilizing both magic and marksmanship, the Arcane Archer features new shooting animations and spells like banishing foes to the weywild, removing them from the battlefield, or using Psyhic spells. Fighters primary ability is Strength, their saving throw proficiencies are Strength & Constitution and they have a Hit Dice of 1d10. They have proficiency with Simple weaponsMartial WeaponsLight ArmourMedium ArmourHeavy Armour, and Shields.


Official Description


BG3 Fighter Class Progression


BG3 Arcane Archer Fighter Progression

  • Subclass Features Progression to be added.


Arcane Archer Tips & Builds

  • The Arcane Archer subclass will be added in Patch 8.
  • Notes, Builds, and other tips go here.



Classes and Subclasses
Arcane Trickster  ♦  Archfey  ♦  Assassin  ♦  Barbarian  ♦  Bard  ♦  Battle Master  ♦  Beast Master  ♦  Berserker  ♦  Circle of Spores  ♦  Circle of the Land  ♦  Circle of the Moon  ♦  Circle of the Spores  ♦  Cleric  ♦  College of Lore  ♦  College of Swords  ♦  College of Valour  ♦  Conjuration School  ♦  Divination School  ♦  Draconic Bloodline  ♦  Druid  ♦  Eldritch Knight  ♦  Enchantment School  ♦  Fighter  ♦  Gloom Stalker  ♦  Hunter  ♦  Illusion School  ♦  Knowledge Domain  ♦  Life Domain  ♦  Light Domain  ♦  Monk  ♦  Nature Domain  ♦  Necromancy School  ♦  Oath of the Ancients  ♦  Oath of Vengeance  ♦  Oathbreaker  ♦  Paladin  ♦  Ranger  ♦  Rogue  ♦  Sorcerer  ♦  Storm Sorcery  ♦  Tempest Domain  ♦  The Fiend  ♦  The Great Old One  ♦  Thief  ♦  Transmutation School  ♦  Trickery Domain  ♦  War Domain  ♦  Warlock  ♦  Way of Shadow  ♦  Wild Magic  ♦  Wild Magic (Barbarian)  ♦  Wizard

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